android에서 termux로 ubuntu vscode 실행하는 방법 대성공

프로그램에 흥미가 붙어 출발한지 몇십년이 흘렀지만 아직 아무런 성과를 보여주지 못하고 있섰는데 드디어 조금씩 그 빛을 발하고 있습니다,
드디어 안드로이드 계열에서도 visual studio code 를 실행가능하게 만들었습니다.
처음에는 포기를 할까라도 생각을 했섰는데,  역시 포기만 하지 않는다면 해 낼 수 있다는 것을 새삼 또 한 번 느끼게 되었습니다.
수없는 실패가 있섰지만 나름대로 방향을 찾아서 가다보니 오늘에사 결실을 보게 되었습니다.
온갖 검색을 다 해 봤지만 정말 옳은 정답을 찾기가 하늘의 별보다 따기가 어려웠습니다.
그래서 앞으로는 모든 정보들을 누구나 쉽게 접할 수 있는 세계 유일한 블로그를 만들어 내는 것이 첫번째 과제로 삼았습니다.

솔직히 일반 핸드폰에서는 화면에 한계가 있어 작업에 어려움이 있을것 같다는 생각을 하게 되었습니다.
7월달에 당장 괞찮은 테블릿 PC로 구비를 해야겠네요.

준비과정[이왕이면 누구나 쉽게
복.붙하기 쉽도록 준비를 했습니다.]

1.    apt install proot-distro

2.     proot-distro install ubuntu

3.     apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt-get install sudo vim git -y

4.     proot-distro login ubuntu

$ 에서       root@localhost:/# 로 변경됩니다.

아래 사이트에 가셔서 파일을 다운 받습니다.

Release v4.90.3 · coder/code-server

Changed Updated to Code 1.90.2. Fixed When the log gets rotated it will no longer incorrectly be moved to a new directory created in the current working directory named with a date. Instead, the...

설치 순서

root@localhost:/# wget code-server-4.90.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz

root@localhost:/# tar -xvf code-server-4.90.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz

root@localhost:/# cd  code-server-4.90.3-linux-amd64

root@localhost:/# code-server-4.90.3-linux-amd64/bin

export PASSWORD='12345'

root@localhost:/# code-server-4.90.3-linux-amd64/bin/

우분투 리눅스 기본 폴드

root@localhost:/# ls          
apex  etc    mnt      root  system     bin   home          odm      run   tmp        boot  lib           opt      sbin  usr        data  linkerconfig  proc     srv   var        dev   media         product  sys   vendor     root@localhost:/#
code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64                code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64.tar.gz         root@localhost:~# cd code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64                                         root@localhost:~/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64# ls                                         bin                  package.json             lib                   LICENSE                    node_modules         src                      npm-shrinkwrap.json  ThirdPartyNotices.txt    out                  typings                  root@localhost:~/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64# cd bin                                     root@localhost:~/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/bin# export PASSWORD='12345'                root@localhost:~/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/bin# ./code-server                          [2024-06-30T10:56:02.910Z] info  Wrote default config file to /root/.config/code-server/config.yaml                                       [2024-06-30T10:56:06.476Z] info  code-server 4.90.3 26c763485b9101fcae2ce56fc0903f0e2d48abe3[2024-06-30T10:56:06.481Z] info  Using user-data-dir /root/.local/share/code-server         [2024-06-30T10:56:06.573Z] info  Using config file /root/.config/code-server/config.yaml    [2024-06-30T10:56:06.574Z] info  HTTP server listening on            [2024-06-30T10:56:06.574Z] info    - Authentication is enabled                              [2024-06-30T10:56:06.575Z] info      - Using password from $PASSWORD                        [2024-06-30T10:56:06.575Z] info    - Not serving HTTPS                                      [2024-06-30T10:56:06.575Z] info  Session server listening on /root/.local/share/code-server/code-server-ipc.sock                          [19:56:53]                                                                                                                                                                                                                            [19:56:53] SystemError [ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR]: A system error occurred: uv_interface_addresses returned Unknown system error 13 (Unknown system error 13)                                       at networkInterfaces (node:os:277:16)         at k (/root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vs/server/node/server.main.js:100:3439)                                         at s (/root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vs/server/node/server.main.js:100:4588)                                         at async /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vs/server/node/server.main.js:100:4472 {                                   code: 'ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR',                     info: {                                         errno: 13,                                    code: 'Unknown system error 13',              message: 'Unknown system error 13',           syscall: 'uv_interface_addresses'           },                                            errno: [Getter/Setter: 13],                   syscall: [Getter/Setter: 'uv_interface_addresses']                                        }                                             [19:56:53] Extension host agent started.      [19:56:53] Started initializing default profile extensions in extensions installation folder. file:///root/.local/share/code-server/extensions                                          [19:56:53] Completed initializing default profile extensions in extensions installation folder. file:///root/.local/share/code-server/extensions                                        File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vsda.js                 File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vsda_bg.wasm            [19:57:38] [][f631b53a][ManagementConnection] New connection established.          [19:57:39] [][65612fdb][ExtensionHostConnection] New connection established.       [19:57:40] [][65612fdb][ExtensionHostConnection] <32576> Launched Extension Host Process.                                        [19:59:15] [][f631b53a][ManagementConnection] The client has disconnected gracefully, so the connection will be disposed.        [19:59:15] [][65612fdb][ExtensionHostConnection] <32576> Extension Host Process exited with code: 0, signal: null.               File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vsda_bg.wasm            File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vsda.js                 [19:59:18] [][55df9ad0][ManagementConnection] New connection established.          [19:59:19] [][577d7647][ExtensionHostConnection] New connection established.       [19:59:19] [][577d7647][ExtensionHostConnection] <6172> Launched Extension Host Process.                                         [20:00:35] [][55df9ad0][ManagementConnection] The client has disconnected gracefully, so the connection will be disposed.        [20:00:35] [][577d7647][ExtensionHostConnection] <6172> Extension Host Process exited with code: 0, signal: null.                File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vsda_bg.wasm            File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vsda.js                 [20:00:37] [][9cf4e172][ManagementConnection] New connection established.          [20:00:38] [][94e82157][ExtensionHostConnection] New connection established.       [20:00:38] [][94e82157][ExtensionHostConnection] <8862> Launched Extension Host Process.                                         File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/extensions/git-base/dist/browser/extension.js                             File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/extensions/npm/dist/browser/npmBrowserMain.js                             File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/extensions/merge-conflict/dist/browser/mergeConflictMain.js               [20:01:27] [][9cf4e172][ManagementConnection] The client has disconnected gracefully, so the connection will be disposed.        [20:01:27] [][94e82157][ExtensionHostConnection] <8862> Extension Host Process exited with code: 0, signal: null.                File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vsda.js                 File not found: /root/code-server-4.90.3-linux-arm64/lib/vscode/out/vsda_bg.wasm            [20:01:29] [][e5cc4669][ManagementConnection] New connection established.          [20:01:30] [][d59a45a1][ExtensionHostConnection] New connection established.       [20:01:30] [][d59a45a1][ExtensionHostConnection] <10383> Launched Extension Host Process.

쨘 ~~~~ 바로 이렇게 보여집니다. 화면이 너무 작게 보이시죠. 그래서 테블릿PC로 옮길 예정입니다.